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Okénio M Lança Mixtape Inevitável com 10 Faixas de Rap (Baixar MP3)

Download Okénio M Inevitável: A Review of the Latest Mixtape from the Angolan Rapper

If you are a fan of hip-hop and rap music, you might have heard of Okénio M, one of the most promising and talented artists from Angola. He has recently released his new mixtape, Inevitável, which means "inevitable" in Portuguese. In this article, we will give you a brief overview of who Okénio M is, what Inevitável is about, and why you should download Okénio M Inevitável right now.

download okenio m inevitável


Who is Okénio M?

Okénio M is a rapper, singer, songwriter, and producer from Luanda, Angola. He started his musical career in 2017, when he released his first single, "Não Sei". Since then, he has been making waves in the Angolan hip-hop scene with his catchy hooks, witty lyrics, and versatile flows. He is also a member of the collective Young Family, which includes other popular artists like Paulelson, Lil Mac, Lil Boy, and Kelson Most Wanted.

What is Inevitável?

Inevitável is the latest mixtape by Okénio M, which was released on December 15th, 2022. It contains 9 tracks and features some of the best names in the Angolan rap industry, such as Elsio Dizzy, Fiir3rd, Mulatooh, AAires, Lil Mac, Fatboy 6.3, Paulelson, Kelson Most Wanted, and 247zé. The mixtape showcases Okénio M's skills as a rapper and a producer, as he delivers a variety of sounds and styles, from trap to drill to afrobeat.

Why should you download Okénio M Inevitável?

There are many reasons why you should download Okénio M Inevitável as soon as possible. Here are some of them:

  • It is free. You can download the mixtape from various websites, such as Bue de Musica or Jox Musik, without paying anything.

  • It is high-quality. The mixtape has a professional sound quality, thanks to the mastering by DJ Ritchelly and the production by Okénio M himself and other talented beatmakers like Edgar Songz, Elsio Dizzy, Fiir3rd, and Mulatooh.

  • It is entertaining. The mixtape will keep you hooked from start to finish with its catchy melodies, clever wordplay, and energetic performances. You will find yourself singing along to the choruses and nodding your head to the beats.

  • It is inspiring. The mixtape reflects Okénio M's journey as an artist and a person, as he talks about his struggles, his dreams, his ambitions, and his achievements. He also motivates his listeners to pursue their own goals and overcome their challenges.

Tracklist and Features

In this section, we will give you a brief summary of each track on the mixtape and the features that appear on them.


The first track on the mixtape is Lord The first track on the mixtape is Lord, which is a trap song that showcases Okénio M's confidence and swagger. He raps about his status as a rap lord, his success in the music industry, and his lifestyle. He also throws some shots at his haters and rivals, claiming that they are not on his level. The track has a catchy hook and a hard-hitting beat produced by Edgar Songz.

Ouvidos Congelados

The second track on the mixtape is Ouvidos Congelados, which means "frozen ears" in Portuguese. It is a drill song that features Okénio M's fast and aggressive flow. He raps about his skills as a rapper, his loyalty to his crew, and his readiness to face any challenge. He also warns his enemies not to mess with him or his team, as they are not afraid to use violence. The track has a dark and menacing beat produced by Elsio Dizzy.

Vamo! (feat. Elsio Dizzy)

The third track on the mixtape is Vamo!, which means "let's go" in Portuguese. It is a collaboration with Elsio Dizzy, who is not only a producer but also a rapper and a singer. The song is an afrobeat song that has a positive and uplifting vibe. It is about enjoying life, having fun, and celebrating success. The song has a catchy chorus sung by Elsio Dizzy and a groovy beat produced by him as well.

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Headache (feat. Fiir3rd)

The fourth track on the mixtape is Headache, which features Fiir3rd, another talented rapper and producer from Angola. The song is a trap song that talks about the problems and difficulties that Okénio M and Fiir3rd face in their lives, such as fake friends, money issues, family troubles, and love drama. They compare these problems to headaches that never go away. The song has a melodic hook sung by Fiir3rd and a smooth beat produced by him as well.


The fifth track on the mixtape is Inevitável, which is the title track of the project. It is a rap song that reflects Okénio M's journey as an artist and a person. He raps about his humble beginnings, his struggles, his sacrifices, his achievements, and his goals. He also expresses his gratitude to God, his family, his friends, and his fans for supporting him along the way. He claims that his success was inevitable, as he worked hard and never gave up on his dreams. The track has a soulful beat produced by Okénio M himself. Baddies Na Trela (feat. Mulatooh, AAires & Lil Mac)

The sixth track on the mixtape is Baddies Na Trela, which means "baddies on the leash" in Portuguese. It is a collaboration with Mulatooh, AAires, and Lil Mac, who are all members of the Young Family collective. The song is a trap song that talks about the attraction and admiration that Okénio M and his friends have for beautiful and confident women. They rap about how they flirt with them, spoil them, and make them fall in love with them. The song has a catchy hook sung by Mulatooh and a bouncy beat produced by him as well.

Arrogância Total (feat. Fatboy 6.3)

The seventh track on the mixtape is Arrogância Total, which means "total arrogance" in Portuguese. It is a collaboration with Fatboy 6.3, another rising rapper from Angola. The song is a drill song that showcases Okénio M and Fatboy 6.3's confidence and arrogance. They rap about their superiority over other rappers, their wealth and fame, and their influence and power. They also diss their haters and critics, saying that they are irrelevant and jealous. The song has a hard-hitting beat produced by Fiir3rd.

Já Não Falo (feat. AAires, Paulelson & Kelson Most Wanted)

The eighth track on the mixtape is Já Não Falo, which means "I don't talk anymore" in Portuguese. It is a collaboration with AAires, Paulelson, and Kelson Most Wanted, who are also members of the Young Family collective. The song is a rap song that talks about the changes that Okénio M and his friends have experienced since they became famous and successful. They rap about how they have become more selective and careful with whom they associate with, how they have learned to ignore the negativity and focus on the positivity, and how they have grown as artists and people. The song has a smooth beat produced by Okénio M himself.

Light (feat. 247zé)

The ninth and final track on the mixtape is Light, which features 247zé, another talented rapper from Angola. The song is an afrobeat song that has a cheerful and optimistic vibe. It is about celebrating life, spreading love, and shining bright. The song has a catchy chorus sung by 247zé and a groovy beat produced by Elsio Dizzy.

Conclusion and FAQs

In conclusion, Inevitável is a mixtape that you should not miss if you are a fan of hip-hop and rap music. It is a showcase of Okénio M's talent, versatility, and personality as an artist. It is also a testament to his hard work, dedication, and passion for his craft. You can download Okénio M Inevitável from various websites for free and enjoy the music.

Here are some frequently asked questions about the mixtape:

Q: Where can I download Okénio M Inevitável?

  • A: You can download the mixtape from various websites, such as Bue de Musica or Jox Musik, without paying anything.

Q: Who are the producers of the mixtape?

  • A: The mixtape was produced by Okénio M himself and other talented beatmakers like Edgar Songz, Elsio Dizzy, Fiir3rd, and Mulatooh.

Q: Who are the features of the mixtape?

  • A: The mixtape features some of the best names in the Angolan rap industry, such as Elsio Dizzy, Fiir3rd, Mulatooh, AAires, Lil Mac, Fatboy 6.3, Paulelson, Kelson Most Wanted, and 247zé.

Q: What are the genres of the mixtape?

  • A: The mixtape covers a variety of genres, such as trap, drill, afrobeat, rap, and hip-hop.

Q: What are the themes of the mixtape?

  • A: The mixtape reflects Okénio M's journey as an artist and a person, as he talks about his struggles, his dreams, his ambitions, his achievements, his gratitude, his confidence, his arrogance, his lifestyle, his love life, his friends, his enemies, his crew, his fans, his faith, and his future.


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